Internal Regulations OHBM Alpine Chapter
- Purpose. The mission of the Alpine Chapter is advancing the alpine brain imaging community via organization of educational events on human brain mapping techniques and via discussion of highly topical scientific developments with a focus on regional relevance. This shall also stimulate multicentric scientific chapter studies. The chapter will aim at fostering translational knowledge and applications of imaging tools to clinical practice, building particularly on its comprehensive expertise with clinical fMRI. The chapter provides also rich links with basic and clinical fields in neuroscience, and different brain imaging modalities. Activities will be based on already existing longstanding regional events and the Austrian Society for fMRI (ÖGfMRT) serves as an organisatory platform. Chapter events will avoid overlaps with OHBM annual meetings and rotate within the region.
- Organisation. The scientific and organisatory platform of the OHBM Alpine Chapter is the Austrian Society for fMRI (ÖGfMRT) and its bylaws. Specific Chapter issues are handeled by the Internal Chapter Regulations.
- Membership. Membership shall be open to persons from the Chapter region and from all disciplines engaged in or supporting functional and structural mapping of the human brain, including students. A student is defined as a full-time student working towards a graduate degree (M.S., Ph.D. or M.D. degree) or an individual who is no more than four years out after completing such a degree. There should be a strong interest in clinical application. Applications for memberships must be submitted to the platform and will be discussed at the general assembly and decided by the Chapter Council.
- Membership Categories. A) Full Members are individuals who fulfill all membership criteria given above. B) Associate Members are individuals interested to support the Chapter but not fulfilling all criteria. C) Honorary members are individuals suggested by the Chapter Council due to specific achievements within the Chapter field. Membership fees are 100% for full members (students free), 50% for associate members and none for honorary members.
- Council. The Society’s affairs shall be conducted through the Council. The Council shall have 3 positions (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) filled with teams of 3 Councilors each (corresponding to OHBM present, past, elect categories). Councilors need to be full Chapter members and OHBM members. An extended record of translational brain mapping research and preferably a clinical background (doctors, medical psychologists) are required. They are elected for 3 years. Suggestions for Councilors have to be submitted to the Chairs by Chapter members and re-elections are possible.
- General Assembly. A general assembly of the OHBM Alpine Chapter shall take place at least once in 2 years. This may be organized together with the general assembly of the Chapter platform ÖGfMRT. All decisions shall be prepared by the Chapter Chairs and decided by a simple majority vote of full attending members in good standing at the general assembly with each full member having one vote. Changes concerning the Internal Chapter Regulations or a dissolution of the Chapter must be made by a two thirds majority of the attendants.”